“We needed real connection,” Erivo says of their friendship, which bloomed just as Grande needed it most: “Tabloids have been trying to destroy me since I was 19.”
“I’d offer you a seat outside, but I’m scared that the coyote is going to come,” Ariana Grande says sweetly.
“Literally an hour ago he just walked right over and jumped over the fence. I was like, Excuse me?” Coyotes can mercilessly attack small dogs, and Grande has two, Toulouse and Myron. “I take Toulouse out to pee, and I’m holding him while he’s pissing in the air,” she tells me, then addresses the coyote, wherever it may roam: “Eat me first!”
We’re standing outside “the tree house,” which is what Grande calls her bungalow tucked away in the Hollywood Hills. Soon we’re joined by Cynthia Erivo, who stars with her in one of the fall’s most anticipated films, Wicked. When she arrives, Toulouse and Myron bound toward her as though they’re greeting an old friend. Inside, Grande starts to make us all tea, but Erivo politely declines, holding up a thermos and taking a sip of her green elixir. “I made my own little matcha,” she says.
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